Significance of Rendering

What is the significance of rendering in Industrial design?
Renderings help us visualize the actual product in a better way. Colors and textures can be added to a conceptual product and aesthetically best can be chosen. As this is done digitally, the options are innumerable, and no cost is incurred except that in terms of time and effort.
When pitching your product idea to someone, a rendering can give a better idea of look and feel of the product in real environment by choosing the right background.
Rendered images can help in taking feedback from stakeholders and users of the product. The necessary recommendations can be applied before manufacturing.
Renderings are essential part in industrial design and architecture. Try your hands on getting photo realistic rendering in #fusion360.
Contact us for industrial design, assembly, rendering and animation of products. Call 7207104344.
#3dscanning, #rendering, #3dDesign, #CAD, #industrialdesign
The above lamp design has been taken from for reference. The concept Diya has been designed and rendered in Fusion 360